Dedicated, Experience,
Hard Working, Fiscally Responsible
About Colin
Colin has been a proud member of the Haverhill community since 1997 when he moved here with his family. In 2009 he was elected to Haverhill's City Council and served 12 years, advocating for both the residents and the businesses of the City.
On Tuesday, November 7th, he is seeking election to the City Council as an at-large candidate to continue to 'achieve more for the city with less' within the budget for the betterment of Haverhill.
Pictured here visiting with his grandsons Ryan (11), Owen (7) and Luke (5) in Portsmouth, Virginia.
City Issues
Less Talk ... More Action
Fiscal Responsibility
Over the past few years, Colin has identified over $2.75 million dollars in unaccounted funds that have been better utilized to lower your tax bills and increase funding for public safety and educational purposes.
Public Safety
Colin has continuously advocated for public safety improvements. He is one of the six Councillors who advocated to replace not one, but BOTH of the 33 year old fire trucks that were still in active service.
Over the past few years, Colin has identified under utilized funds in the city budget and led the way to reinstate the middle school health program with the appointment of 3 new health teachers.
Curbside Recycling
Colin advocated for and assisted in the implementation of the curbside single-stream recycling program which has resulted in savings for the City of more than $2 million dollars in waste disposal costs.
Opioid Crisis
Colin continues to advocate for a comprehensive health education program for our youth and visits our middle schools and high school to speak personally with students about the perils of drugs.
Energy Efficiency
Colin advocated for the City to become a Green Community in which the City received a grant award of $315,000 in 2019 and will be eligible to receive $250,000 every year going forward.
Fiscal Responsibility
"The Budget Watchdog"
Mayoral Debate Breaks Out Over Closing Out Haverhill's Hunking School Construction Account
August 12, 2021 - WHAV
Mayor Fiorentini stated, “The Hunking School project ended with a surplus, not with a deficit. There were items that were not directly connected with the project, but had to be done. The School Department did everything they could to put them through to the state to try to get reimbursement. The state turned them down and there was no deficit in Hunking School. It ended with a surplus on time, under budget,” he declared.
OUR DIFFERING VIEWS on TRANSPARENCY, noted above and below.
Mayoral candidate LePage stated, "I humbly disagree with the way the mayor characterizes this. We’ve known for quite some time that a $300,000 building permit was put against this project which was not reimbursable. It was basically saying ‘we are going to charge the city for services’ and the MSBA would not reimburse you for charging yourself and then give you 80% of that money. We got the voters to approve $61.5 million but $300,000 for a building permit was not to be included in that,” he charged.
LePage said the $300,000 went into the city’s general fund and should be given back in the form of a tax break or some other method.
Haverhill Council to Consider Final Hunking School Price Tag; City Permit Cost May be Sticking Point
August 10, 2021 - WHAV
“It appears to be $177,000 over budget and, without the $300,000 building permit fee, it would have been under budget,” LePage said. The building permit fee was not among items the state would reimburse and was expected to be paid by taxpayers with interest over 20 years outside of the tax-limiting law, Proposition 2 ½.
City Charges Hunking School $300K Fee; Paid Outside Prop 2 1/2
UPDATE - to be discussed at 8/10/21 Council meeting
August 16, 2016 - WHAV
“I do not understand why the city administration would increase the cost of its own project, one that was asked to be funded by the taxpayers through a debt exclusion vote,” said City Councilor Colin F. LePage, a member of the Caleb Dustin Hunking Building Committee.
Councilors Tie Cannabis Impact Fees and Haverhill Mayor's Refusal to Add Second Police Clinician
June 7, 2021 - WHAV
LePage noted retired Police Chief Alan R. DeNaro requested two “behavioral response” workers to deescalate violence and address core issues. LePage argued the city has the money for the extra position, noting $700,000 is expected next year from cannabis excise taxes ...
Haverhill Council Expresses Frustration, Makes Case for Earlier Spending on Priorities
February 12, 2021 - WHAV
Under the city’s charter, only Mayor James J. Fiorentini may put money in the budget. LePage again linked the difficulty the Council faces in spending on priorities. His voice cracking with emotion at times, he pointed to extraordinary efforts he took more than five years ago to have the school department receive money to hire middle school health instructors.
Lupoli to pay city $112K in mortgage arrears
July 15, 2020 - Eagle Tribune
"I work for the taxpayers of Haverhill. I informed people two weeks earlier and never heard back," LePage said at Tuesday night's City Council meeting. "I'm not against this project by any means, but I want things to be done right."
State Formally Awards Haverhill $315,000 State Energy Grant; Becomes a "Green Community"
April 8, 2019 - WHAV
As early as March of 2017, Councilor Colin F. LePage advocated for the green designation, having Joanne Bissetta, deputy director of the state Department of Energy Resources, address city councilors. “I’m looking out for the taxpayers. I wanted to go after $300,000 that can be used for other purposes,” LePage said.
Council to Revisit Hunking Building Permit Fee;
Mayor Says It's Too Late
August 10, 2018 - WHAV
Councilor LePage said Tuesday night that residents shouldn't be paying for the city's 2015 building fee and expected interest. "We reduce the total by $300,000 so the taxpayers don't pay it over 20 years ..."
Analysis: Whether City Can Afford More For Schools, Police - A Matter of Opinion
June 15, 2018 - WHAV
If history is any guide, at least one city councilor says, the money will be there for the wish lists without touching more of the surplus or the rainy-day fund—and without raising taxes to the limit.
City Charges Hunking School $300K Fee; Paid Outside Prop 2 1/2
August 16, 2016 - WHAV
“I do not understand why the city administration would increase the cost of its own project, one that was asked to be funded by the taxpayers through a debt exclusion vote,” said City Councilor Colin F. LePage, a member of the Caleb Dustin Hunking Building Committee.
My Commitment to Our Youth
Haverhill passes $217M budget ahead of new fiscal year
June 30, 2021 - Eagle Tribune
Councilor Colin LePage, a fervent supporter of the creation of a fund to assist Haverhill youth, said he was grateful to see the fund he's long advocated for come to fruition. “These aren’t just talking points,” LePage said. “I would like to think we’re going to talk more about the funds for the Department of Public Health you’ve created and the stabilization fund. People are really affected by (substance abuse). That way, we can really address them and we can actually put action toward them rather than words.”
LePage Backs DiZoglio Bill to Ban Marijuana Billboards; Rule Similar to Tobacco Ads
December 30, 2019 - WHAV
For LePage, it’s personal. In a letter to WHAV, the councilor writes, “…having lost my youngest son to alcohol and my oldest son to opioids, I know all too well the consequences of not having as many safeguards as possible in place to protect children from outside influences.”
CHEERS to Haverhill City Councilor Colin LePage and his mission to educate teenagers about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and vaping.
October 21, 2019 - Eagle Tribune - OPINION
It takes a strong person to cope with the losses that have touched LePage and his family. It takes an even stronger person to talk about them, and to open up about one’s personal story in hopes of helping others. Thanks to Councilor LePage for doing both.
LePage Opens Up About Family Substance Abuse Struggle: 'It Can Happen to Anybody'
October 21, 2019 - WHAV
Four years ago, City Councilor Colin F. LePage spoke to 400 eighth graders about making healthy decisions around substance abuse and addiction, and on Friday, LePage returned to check in on those same students—now Haverhill High School seniors—for a check-up.
Councilor revisits students to talk about healthy choices
October 19, 2019 - Eagle Tribune
LePage noted the city's Youth Advisory Council ongoing youth needs survey, 70% of those ages 15 to 17 say they need more access to resources for addictions, including vaping and smoking. The survey will be discussed during Tuesday night's City Council meeting (10/22/19).
Hillie Wrestler McCartney Receives LePage Memorial Scholarship
March 14, 2019 - WHAV
The scholarship, established in 2016, pays tribute to the late Chris and Sean LePage, who both took part in the school’s wrestling program alongside current coach Tim Lawlor. LePage presented McCartney with the tribute award at the March 11 team banquet.
Recycling Timeline - My Involvement/Results
"More residents than ever are recycling their trash, and that is raising money for the city." Mayor James Fiorentini - Eagle Tribune, 9/27/2013
"Recycling efforts have saved the city more than $2 million in reduced trash disposal costs since we began citywide curbside recycling in 2010," Mayor Fiorentini. - Eagle Tribune, 8/29/2018
1February & March 2008
Became member of Team Haverhill Recycling Committee & Mayor's Recycling Committee
2July & August 2008
Collected signatures (1,000+) for curbside recycling "petition"
3February 2009
Single-Stream Recycling (SSR) program begins at the DPW yard (500 Primrose St)
4July & October 2009
Curbside SSR Pilot program starts on Tuesday and then Wednesday collection routes
5July 2010 (start FY2011)
Curbside SSR program is instituted throughout the entire City
6August 2018
In just 8 years of the Curbside SSR program, the City has saved over $2 million dollars in waste disposal costs
Past News
Council: Mayor Must Answer More Questions,
Faster Per City Charter
February 17, 2017 - WHAV
Reading from the city charter, Councilor Colin F. LePage noted the administration is legally bound to answer questions after one week. LePage said Mayor James J. Fiorentini has not adequately answered city councilors questions—some dating back six months or longer.
Council Seeks Update on Upgrades for 3 Haverhill Schools - Tilton, Consentino & J.G. Whittier
January 4, 2017 - WHAV
“We should be having a discussion about what the city has planned for the future for our schools,” LePage said. “We need to find out what needs to be done, what the cost will be and how much the state would be willing to pay,” LePage said. “We want to be in that funding pipeline.”
Curbside recycling goes citywide this summer
March 7, 2010 - Eagle Tribune
LePage ran for council on a promise to push for more recycling and worked with the mayor and Team Haverhill to make it happen.
"Now we can use our energy to promote the heck out of this, rather than on convincing everyone that it's the right thing to do," he said.
LePage said the city could lower its waste disposal costs from $1.4 million annually to $1 million by increasing its recycling rate from the current 10 percent to the state average of 37 percent.
Fiorentini said it would great to see Haverhill raise its recycling rate, but that he has seen little evidence of an increase since the city implemented curbside recycling on the Tuesday and Wednesday trash routes. "Our rate has stayed around 10 percent," the mayor said.
Mayor: Haverhill can't afford city-wide recycling pickup
February 9, 2010 - Eagle Tribune
City councilors, residents and civic groups such as Team Haverhill have been pushing the mayor to bring the program to the entire city. The council is scheduled to continue the pressure at tonight's meeting at 7 at City Hall. Councillor LePage requests to discuss the benefits of a City-wide, curb-side single stream recycling program.
How Can You Help?
Contact us: VoteColinLePage@gmail.com
Door-to-Door Volunteer
We can always use a few extra hands (and feet) to canvas the city and handout postcards to residents, educating them about Colin and his efforts.
Host a Lawn Sign
Looking to spruce up your lawn? A Colin LePage lawn sign is the perfect accessory. Give us a shout and we would be glad to drop one off.
Saturday Sign Holding
Looking for something to do on a Saturday in September thru October or on Election Day... we have just the thing! Support Colin and hold a sign.
- Contact Us
Thank you for your support!
Make a Campaign Contribution
To donate by check:
Please make checks payable to:
Friends of Colin LePage Committee
5 Sunrise Drive
Haverhill MA 01835
Contribution Rules and Guidelines:
- Contributions must be made from personal funds and cannot be provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution on their behalf.
- Contributions by credit card must be made with personal credit cards and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
- Contributor must be at least eighteen years old.
- Contributor must be a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
978-372-8727 votecolinlepage@gmail.com